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How To Rank Your Blog Website On Google’s First Page

Intro:- How to Rank Your Blog Website on Google’s First Page? First, we have to understand the users which is the main point of the ranking factor. What they are typing in the search engines to find the solutions they want to find. Then choose the keyword according to that. …

There are some points to follow:

  • Mobile-friendly;
  • Fast loading;
  • Easy to use (clear navigation, good UX, etc.);
  • Secure(i.e., HTTPS not HTTP);
  • Well-structured;
  • Free of other technical SEO issues.
How to rank on Google First page

And one main point is Content. Because “Content is the King” of any type of Article to rank on Google.

About:- To “Rank” on the Google first page. You have to write the article for “Humans” not for the search engines. What there are looking for is if you can able to provide exactly what they want then you have to no worry about ranking on Google’s first page.

Check Your Competitors:

To rank on the first page, your first competition with your competitors, right? For that, you have to write the Article better than your competitors to rank on Google’s first page. But remember one thing that should be useful for the users not for the search engine.

How to Rank Your Blog Website on Google’s First Page? If you are reading this article that means you want to know about ” how to rank your blog website on Google’s First Page”, right? But, you don’t have any idea how or where to start. If you are looking for an easy guide on how to rank your blog website on Google’s first page, then you are at the right place. Just you have to read this article properly. In this article, I will show you a step-by-step tutorial on how to rank your blog website on Google’s first page. Even if you are a beginner there is no worry about it. The steps below are meant for both beginners & experts.

But before beginning to start a blog, there are some major points that you should know, like why isn’t my website ranking on Google? How to get higher rankings on Google? & How to make a good URL for SEO? Let’s find it out.

1. Why isn't my website ranking on Google?

If your content isn’t GREAT in Google’s eyes, compared to other content they have in the index, then it won’t rank as well as that other content. In short: Focus on quality content. Your website has to be mobile optimized.

2. How to get higher rankings on Google?

In short: internal linking is key for any website to get higher rankings on Google. Try to use relevant anchor text for internal linking. And MUST avoid generic anchor text like “click here”. Keyword-rich anchor text helps Google to understand the topic of the page you are internally linking to.

3. How to make a good URL for SEO?

Include your target keyword in the URL: It will help Google and human to understand the topic of your page easily. Make your URL very short and simple: According to Google, they give more weight to the first 3-5 words in a URL. Always try to avoid long URLs for your website and blog posts. Note: Use hyphens(-) to separate each word in your URL.

How to Rank Your Blog Website on the Google's First Page

Table of Contents

  1.  Let Google know Immediately that your website Exists
  2. Choose the Right keywords to Target
  3. Check your competitors
  4. Create a page that supports search Intent
  5. Include internal links and Build quality Backlinks
  6. Aim for featured snippets
  7. Manage your meta tags well
  8. Optimize your web page for mobile

1. Let Google Know Immediately that Your Website Exists

How to Rank Your Blog Website on Google’s First Page? Google bots always crawl the web without failing to search for different websites, and they always do their job well. However, it may take some time for Google’s robots to discover your website. You can sit and wait for days or even weeks for Google to crawl your website, but it is best to take action right away and let Google know about your website and submit it to them.

If you have an XML sitemap for your website, you can submit your sitemap to Google Search Console to make sure that your website will appear on Google. In case you are wondering, Google Search Console is a free tool that can help website owners understand their performance on Google search as well as the things they can do to boost their visibility on search. And  Rank on Google’s first page.


The amazing thing about Google Search Console is that you don’t need to log in every day to check whether your website is having some issues. In case Google found some issues with your website, Google will send you an email to alert you about it. However, it is advisable to still log on to your account once a month or each time you make changes to the content of your site to be certain that you have stable data.

If you want more information and comprehensive guidance, you can visit Google Search Central and go to the Beginner’s Guide to Search Console. It provides a step-by-step guide for beginners and can help you complete the process.

2. Choose the Right Keywords to Target

Before you try to rank your website on the first page of Google, you need to find the right keywords. Like how to rank your blog website on Google’s first page. 

But what are the right keywords to rank on Google's first page?

First of all, you need to determine the set of words that can best describe the things that you offer on your website, your content, or other things that people may type in the search bar when looking for things that have something to do with your website. Typically, keywords are phrases that contain 3 to 5 words that most searchers will likely type in the search bar when looking for an answer or a business. If the exact terms that you have used as keywords on your website and the ones that people typed in the search box have matched, your web page will likely show up in the search results.

But this is only the beginning of trying to rank on the first page of Google. For example, you have a business website selling customized umbrellas. You will surely want the people looking for customized umbrellas to click on your site. You need to incorporate the keyword “customized umbrellas” throughout your blog and web pages to boost your visibility on google.

You can use tools like "SEMrush" to find the right keywords and topics to discuss. SEMrush is one of the best tools in the market to find the right keywords.

You also need to be in the shoes of your customers or visitors to know exactly what questions to ask and compel you to search for the answers on Google. You need to imagine your customers or visitors searching on Google for the answers that can be specifically found on your website. You must do a keyword search to determine the commonly searched phrases that are related to your business.

The next step you need to do is to sprinkle those keywords in your content and create genuinely helpful content, which basically tells Google that your site is the premier authority in providing the right answers regarding your chosen keywords that people are searching for. Not only will this indefinitely increase the chances of your  website ranking on the first page of Google, but will help your website stand out from the competitors who don’t even go into detail about the topic they are talking about.

3. Check Your Competitors

Even though you may have tried everything to rank on the first page, you may still encounter some difficulties when most of your competitors have a large audience and are already trusted by Google. If you are up against big names such as Nordstrom and Macy’s (for selling clothes online), you may still consider yourself lucky when you find your website on the third page of the search list.

However, if you’re aiming for the first page, what is seen on the second page is still not good enough. But you only need to exert a bit more effort to reach the first page as compared to landing a spot on the third or fourth page.

You need to know who you are up against so you can find a fitting solution to get your website on the first page of Google.

To start, you need to type in your keyword on the search bar and look at the list on the first page.

If you can see big brand names of well-known companies on the first and second pages on Google and your website doesn’t really have any rankings or traffic, you need to change your strategy or keywords to target. You can use competitive keyword analysis when checking out the keywords to target to gain an advantage. You may gain a better ranking when you know the keywords that your competitors are using in their organic search and paid campaigns.

The competitor keyword research can help you with any of the following:

  •  Discover and start targeting keywords that your competitors have not found yet.
  • Learn why your competitor’s website has a better ranking for the same keywords that you have targeted.
  • Find out the long-tail keywords that you have not thought your target customers more using.
  • Grab the keywords that your competitors are targeting and use those keywords more effectively to outdo your competition.

Here are some of the tools for keyword analysis that you may want to try:

  • Ahrefs Keyword Explorer(paid)
  • Moz Keyword Difficulty and SERP Analysis Tool( comes 30-day free trial)
  • SEMRush (paid)
  • Moz Open Site Explorer( free and paid)
  • BuzzSumo (free and paid)

4. Create a Page that Supports Search Intent

Understand that the websites ranking on the first page of Google are web pages, not the actual websites themselves. For instance, you may rank on the first page of Google search results for the web pages called “how to fix your faucet” and “how to find a plumber”, which are two different pages. It is also possible that the different pages of your website will land on different pages of the search results.

You can choose any web page that you want to rank, and it is not limited to your home page, however the authority of your website does have a significant impact on how well your each landing page will rank on Google.

Make sure that the content of the web page that you want to rank contains information that Google intends to rank for your target keyword.

You will have better chances of ranking your web page on the first page of Google if it aligns with the content type, format, and angle of the content of search intent.

The most common types of content that are usually found in search results are:

  •  Landing Pages
  • Category Pages
  • Product Pages
  • Blog Posts

It is also important not to change the URL of the web page so you won’t lose any of the quality backlinks that you may have.

For your content format, you may consider any of the following:

  • Comparisons
  • Reviews
  • Editorials or opinion pieces
  • List posts
  • Tutorials
  • How to guides

When presenting recipes, it is best to follow the how-to guide format. When presenting a DIY(do-it-yourself) project, the tutorial format is most suitable. Use the format that will best serve your purpose. For the content angle, you need to make sure that you will properly address the target audience of your post or content. If you are targeting newbie bloggers, you may want to consider posting blogging tips or tutorials to serve as guidance. 

It is important to discuss everything in full and establish yourself as the authority on the subject. Write informative, useful content that is relevant to your industry or website that people need to know and you will for sure rank your website on the first page of Google.

5. Include Internal links and Build Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are important because they can enhance the page’s authority. Between high-authority pages and low-authority pages, higher authority websites tend to gain a higher ranking. If you have a good amount of quality backlinks for your particular page, it means that your page provides the essential information that people should check out.

Many top-ranking websites have thousands of backlinks(and counting) over the years. Adding relevant internal links is another way to boost the authority of your page. So how do you get backlinks to your website? Without going into too much detail, one of the best ways to acquire backlinks is to look for similar websites and simply email them and eventually ask them to link to an article on your website.

Here is a great example from Response:

The links that point to your site or your backlinks tell Google that other websites believe in the authority of your site and regard it as a reputable one. It is important to take note that the backlinks from equally reputable sites are the ones that can help boost the rankings of your page. And  Rank on Google’s first page.

They should not be toxic or spam links. As mentioned earlier, it is important to keep the structure of your URL the same and never change it. If reconfiguring some of your URLs is inevitable, don’t forget to redirect those old URLs to your new ones.


6. Aim for Featured Snippets

You may have already noticed the short snippets of text that can be found above Google’s search results, which is even better than ranking on the first page of Google. The short texts usually provide quick answers to the searcher’s queries. These short snippets are the featured snippets that can help you rank your web page and have a chance to land a spot on the first page of the search list.

You cannot decide which text will be featured as Google is the one that will decide. Sadly, there’s no special formula or particular code that will ensure that the text on your content will be chosen by Google. There’s no way or means that you can automatically win the featured snippet spot. However, you can alter the content slightly to improve your chances of being featured.

Here are a few tips that you do to get a featured snippet spot:

  •  If you are discussing a certain process, it is best to use a bulleted format and concise, brief sentences. You can put this at the top of the page to make it more visible.
  • When creating a list, you must use bullets that should be found near the top page.
  • Take note that the featured snippets usually answer the questions that begin with how, why, where, when, what, and who. You may prepare content that gives an immediate answer to such questions.

You may also try to provide answers to related questions to ensure that you have discussed the subject in full. Doing so can help establish yourself as the authority to consult in your industry.

7. Manage Your Meta Tags Well

Meta tags are short texts that show up in Google search results to provide users with a short intro to what the content is about. The meta tags are slightly similar to featured snippets, only shorter. You are only allowed to use up to 120 characters to create your meta tags. You need to make sure to put the meatiest information plus your keyword so you can entice your visitors or customers.

The meta tags don’t show on your website, but you can set the concise, clear wording for each web page that you have. You need to create labels that will convince the users to visit your link. You also need to be creative when putting your keyword in your meta tags. If you would like to learn more about how to properly set up your meta tags to rank your website on the first page of Google. And  Rank on Google’s first page.

8. Optimize Your Web Page for Mobile

More and more people rely on their mobile devices when making online transactions. Half of the world’s internet traffic comes from mobile devices. No one wants to see a broken page or odd web page layout when they visit a certain site. You need to make sure that your website and web pages are responsive and optimized for mobile devices.

All of your hard work will be for nothing if your website is not responsive or optimized for mobile use. If you are not a web design and development expert, you may need to hire a reputable agency to help you create an optimized page for mobile use.


9. Assure Your Customers that You are Local

If you are operating a small business, you will get better chances to land on the first page of the search list when you include your location in your keywords. The direct location-specific searchers looking for local businesses will surely appreciate your presence and business, especially if you are providing the things that they truly need. 

You may want to consider adding your location to make it easier for your customers to locate you. Better yet, add your business to a local directory such as Yelp, Bing Places, or Foursquare for higher visibility. You may want to create an account in Google My Business to boost your presence.

Final Thoughts

These are just some of the things that you can do to get your website on the first page of Google. Enhancing your visibility can boost the curiosity of your target audience or customers. You can also try different social media platforms to enhance your online presence.

You may also visit the forums to share your expertise to establish your authority on the subject. You need to make the people see you as someone they can rely on each time have questions regarding your industry. You also need to provide fresh content regularly to keep your audience and make them come back for more. Thank me!

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The Er.Pramod Adhikari!

Authored By The Er. Pramod Adhikari!

The Blogger, Author & CEO’s The Infinity Company! B. Tech in CSE(Computer Science & Engineering) from Sambhram College, Bengaluru-560097, Working worldwide as Software(Web/App) Developer!