Intro:- How to Run Multiple Blogs On One WordPress Website: Top 11 Tips. Having multiple blogs allows you to write about each of your passions without “muddying the waters” or feeling you have to write about a certain topic just to maintain a balance. The second benefit of having more than one blog, at least from a business perspective, is you can diversify your income.
Custom Categories and Menus for Multiple Blogs. Probably the easiest way to create multiple blogs on one site is to make use of Categories, Menus, and Users features already built into WordPress.
About:- A blog, short for weblog, is a frequently updated web page used for personal commentary or business content. Blogs are often interactive and include sections at the bottom of individual blog posts where readers can leave comments.
How to Run Multiple Blogs On One WordPress Website: Top 11 Tips. If you are reading this article that means you want to know how to run multiple blogs on one WordPress website, right? But, you don’t have any idea how or where to start. If you are looking for an easy guide on how to run multiple blogs on one WordPress website then you are at the right place. Just you have to read this article properly. In this article, I will show a step-by-step guide on how to run multiple blogs on one WordPress website. Even if you are a beginner is no worry about it. The steps below are for both Beginners & Experts.
But before beginning to start an article, there are some major points that you should know, like(FAQs)
- What are multiple blogs?
- How does WordPress multisite work?
- Can I run multiple blogs at once?
- How do I add multiple blogs to WordPress?
Let's Find It Out. ...
1. What are multiple blogs?
Having multiple blogs allows you to write about each of your passions without “muddying the waters” or feeling you have to write about a certain topic just to maintain a balance. The second benefit of having more than one blog, at least from a business perspective, is you can diversify your income.
2. How does WordPress multiple work?
WordPress Multiple is a version of WordPress that allows you to run multiple sites off a single installation of WordPress. It makes it possible to run a network of sites under a single WordPress dashboard. You can manage everything including the number of sites, features, themes, and user roles.
3. Can I run multiple blogs at once?
Managing multiple blogs means that you can interlink them. It’s a good way to reassure your viewers that they can expect the same high-quality content you have delivered before. It will increase traffic and successfully help you in creating a brand for yourself.
4. How do I add multiple blogs to WordPress?
Creating New Blogs on a Single WordPress Install, Start by going to Posts > Categories in the backend of your site. For each blog you would like to create and display, add it as a category. Don’t forget to save by clicking the Add New Category button.
Let's Talk About That. ...
How To Run Multiple Blogs On One WordPress Website: Top 11 Tips
1. Make a daily plan.
A day-by-day planner will help you keep on top of your updates. You’ve got five separate blogs; try to write one post a day. Are you jugging ten blogs? You’re going to have to put pen to paper twice a day.
2. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
It’s better to do one thing to the best of your abilities than to spread yourself too thin. Think about how much time you’ll realistically be able to devote to maintaining your blogs, and decide on how many you can handle and stick to it.
There’s nothing worse than a static blog that’s not been updated for ages. It’ll do more damage to your brand than if it had never existed in the first place.
3. Take up one thing at a time.
If you try to update all your blogs in one go, it can be a recipe for disaster. Things can get confusing. You’ll lose your thread, lose your enthusiasm and eventually lose your readers. “Take it one post at a time and finish it before you begin another.”
4. Hire to help
Countless professional bloggers will be more than happy to lend a helping hand. You don’t need to spend a small fortune; find experienced, reliable writers who understand your tone of voice, and don’t be afraid to ask for a writing sample before you hire them.
5. Remove Distractions
Turn off your phone, get up before your kids, and close out of Facebook. As moms, we are in constant multitasking mode. I get it. It is how we survive most days. However, your blogs will suffer if you cannot remove the many distractions around you. Your emails can wait for an hour, trust me.
6. Plan Ahead
My brain cannot contain all the “To-Do” lists. Between the house, homeschooling, and the blogs, it would explode. So I plan ahead, and I write things done…constantly. Write a “To-Do” list for each blog and have a list of posts that you’re going to write in the future.
There’s nothing worse than having time to write and then not knowing what to write about. You’ll waste precious time researching when you could have an outline written and be creating content. Set aside dedicated time to research blog post ideas but when it is time to write…do that.
7. Focus on what works
Blogging is a journey of trial and error. We learn as we go. It really is such a new industry that no one quite has a manual for it just yet. In fact, it is difficult to give out more than general advice because each blogging niche behaves so differently. Here is one thing to take note of though- focus on what works.
When you’re trying to manage multiple blogs there is no time for fluff. Stop doing things that aren’t helping your blog grow. Look at what is working and keep doing more of that.
8. Beat the block
The adage “write what you understand” is particularly true for blogging. You’ll be much more likely to stick to your schedule, and your readers will be much more likely to read it if you can speak with some authority and enthusiasm on the subject. If it feels like too much hard work to write, it’ll show in what you’ve written.
9. Jot it down
It’s good to keep a pen and paper handy to scribble down ideas for blog posts as and when they strike. There’s nothing worse than sitting down to come up with an idea – or several ideas- and finding your inspiration has dried up. It’ll save precious time in brainstorming sessions if you’ve already got a go-to list of good ideas.
10. Take the weekend off.
Even if you’re behind on posts, there’s not much point in blogging on the weekend. Your traffic figures will be down, and the post won’t get the same results as it would mid-week. Of course, this depends on the kind of sector your work in; but as a rule of thumb, it is more logical to save it for Monday.
11. Schedule time off
You’re human, not multiple blog-running machines. Schedule when you’re going to take time off and have a few pre-prepared posts up your sleeve to cover the slack. Your blogs will keep ticking over, and you can take a well-deserved break.
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Authored By The Er. Pramod Adhikari!
The Blogger, Author & CEO’s The Infinity Company! B.Tech in CSE (Computer Science & Engineering) From Sambhram College, Bengaluru-560097, Working Worldwide as Software (Web/App) Developer!